Vote for Lucie Volotzky

2 years ago

Paid for by Lucie Volotzky for Congress

Lucie Volotzky is known and respected for being a resilient mover and shaker—a dedicated wife and mother of four, a seasoned businesswoman and active community leader with a zest for life and a desire to improve people’s lives. Now she intends to shake up Capitol Hill as a determined, commonsense congresswoman who will put America first and stand strong to defeat the radical progressive agenda hijacking our country. But, first, she must unseat career Democrat politician, Brad Sherman, who has been compromising America’s best interests for 25 years. Volotzky is very qualified to be the wise and courageous leader we need in Washington, D.C. She and her husband have been owners of retail businesses for over 35 years in the Los Angeles area. The obstacles to operating small businesses under California’s high taxes, overregulation, the diminishing economy, and the unfair China trade deals, have been challenging—and have prepared her well to represent District 32 in Congress. She understands the state, national and global issues that have put America in crisis and are determined to protect our freedoms and our way of life. Volotzky has a long record of serving her community and has held many positions of leadership. Born in Montreal, Volotzky speaks with a French-Canadian accent and has plenty to say. She is running on a platform of “Faith, Family, and Freedom.” She will stand against the deceitful Green New Deal, the attacks on fossil fuels, the open border, illegal immigration, human trafficking and drugs, rising crime, defunding of the police, the unconstitutional COVID-19 closures and mandates, the “woke” sexualized school system, a weakened military, the censoring of conservative speech, and foreign companies buying U.S. land. Volotzky says there are many issues tearing down our country, and destroying the economic and moral fabric of America we know and love. She is anxious to tackle each one of these problems with insight, knowledge, common sense, courage, and respect for our Constitution. She is a proven leader, not a career politician. “We’re losing our freedoms and our children! Without freedom, we have nothing. Defending freedom is my number one priority!”

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