I overcame my torn meniscus without surgery. Watch how I did it. #pemf #pemftherapy #bemer

2 years ago

How Andree Avoided Surgery and Went from Feeling Crippled to Running 5 Miles with the Help of Essential Oils and the BEMER

Andrew is a runner, and he runs four to five times a week. A few years ago, while out running, Andrew hurt his left knee so bad he could not walk, so he had to limp back home. At the time, he did not know what exactly had happened to his knee; all he knew was that he could not function.

Upon getting an MRI done, Andrew learned there was a torn meniscus. Torn meniscuses are often times repaired by surgery. However, instead of getting the surgery done, Andrew decided to try something different. At the time, he and his wife, Jodi had just gotten a new device called the BEMER. The BEMER is a PEMF device (pulse electromagnetic frequency). The system includes a BMAT which helps the whole body by supporting cellular regeneration, increasing micro-circulation by 33% and nutrient absorption by 37%; a B. spot can be used on your knee, elbow, wrist or a particular area on your back – the B.Spot is designed for targeted treatment of small, individual body regions. Hold it to the area in question or attach it using the fixing strap.

Andrew used the BEMER B.Spot consistently approximately four times a day and it helped his knees regenerate and heal itself.

Andrew uses a multi-modal approach for health. He works with his brain first, when he is in pain, using essential oils to keep his brain out of 'fight or flight' . He likes using dōTERRA’s Console and Forgive to be in a state of 'rest and digest'. Whenever we bump an elbow or knee (or something worse), we find ourselves upset. Our brains tend not to process very well when we are upset. Many of us become angry at our bodies for getting in the way of our agenda.

Whenever Andrew finds himself having these emotions, he immediately uses dōTERRA Console and Forgive Essential oil. He would rub it on the palms of his hands and breathes in deep through his nose and mouth. It typically takes 20 seconds for the aroma to get into the limbic system and bring him out of "fight or flight" and into "rest and digest". He adds to that doTERRA's Peace Essential oil to bring his body into a state of homeostasis.

He also used doTERRA’s Lavender essential oil for relief of discomfort, and Frankincense essential oil for cellular repair. Coconut oil allows for easy absorption into the bloodstream. He also used the traditional methods of ‘Ice on, Ice off and elevation’.

Within three and a half weeks of using the frequency healing of the BEMER paired with the essential oils, Andrew was able to walk and run without discomfort. It has been almost three years since and Andrew runs over 7 (used to be 4-5) miles as compared to a maximum of 2.5 miles per round prior to the accident.

Being able to heal without the use of conventional medicine and surgery is a tremendous gift. Surgery is extremely expensive with deductibles being thousands of dollars. the BEMER is a lifetime investment. Buy it once and BENEFIT every single day of your life.

In addition to the high cost, surgery will consume your time and vitality. Unlike surgery, with the BEMER, you feel good and energized after you have used it. Not to mention the whole family can use the BEMER (please check on the couple of contraindications)

You will do well to note that you can still use the BEMER after surgery-- if surgery is your only choice for your health. There are plenty of post-surgery improvement stories and the doctors think it's unbelievable how quickly users have been able to heal themselves post-surgery by using the BEMER and a combination of some other tools through a multimodal approach.

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