Zebras meet crocodile ambush as they cross river in Kenya

2 years ago

Crocodiles in Kenya are at the top of the food chain. They eat almost anything that they can catch, including large animals such as zebras and gazelles. Stealthy and cunning, they can remain motionless in water with only their eyes and nostrils above the surface. They patiently wait for animals to approach the water to drink, or to cross the river.

This herd of zebras was making their way across the plain, when they came to a river. They knew that they needed to cross, but most animals in Africa are wary of rivers, as they know that crocodiles lie in wait for any opportunity to snatch an animal from the banks. Even better if they can seize an animal in mid crossing. The first two zebras obviously see the crocs but they take their chances and the crocodiles seem unsure of what they should do. A zebra in the shallows is capable of delivering a powerful blow that could cause serious injury, even to a well armoured crocodile. Another zebra unbelievably survives after taking a path between two of the crocodiles. They make half-hearted lunges at the zebras but it doesn't seem that they get a proper bite.

One of the smaller zebras wades through deeper water and the advantage goes to the crocodiles in such a case, but he miraculously makes it past as well. It seems that the zebras benefit from a rapid crossing close on the heels of the zebra ahead. The water is murky and quick flowing, and the hooves of the zebra stir up the mud creating poor visibility. This makes it difficult for a crocodile to see the legs of its prey. Safety in numbers definitely seems to apply in this daring river crossing. All of the zebras lived through this incident.

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