Command at SEE: Guilty or KNOT Guilty?

1 year ago


The provision of the Espionage Act pertaining to "classified information", 18 USC Section 798, pertains to what we might call COMINT and SIGINT, and not just anything with a SECRET or TOP SECRET cover sheet, which may or may not refer to nuclear weapons, but that was not discussed, at all, in the fervor arising about 15 boxes of classified from Mar-a-Lago, and, when discussing law, the elements of proof are actually the only pertinent matters to discuss, which is why, in a criminal prosecution, you may be acquitted as "not guilty", which is not the same as "innocent."

However, under 18 USC Section 798(d) and (e), this pertains expressly to defense information, in a person's lawful possession, which is delivered, or attempted to be delivered, to a foreign nation, directly or indirectly, by a willful, or negligent action, in which the person should have known would have accrued to the advantage of a foreign nation.

So, if you were a commander of a Nimitz Class aircraft carrier, at least 70,000 who signed a petition to demand the reinstatement of Capt. Brett Elliott Crozier, agree they, too, would have gone Sting and the Police, sending out an SOS to the world, because your men and women might suffer mild pneumonia, at most, or 80% of those infected, according to the report upon which he had relied, and a report that projected that, at most, 26% of a crew of "about 5,000" crew would "suffer", which is not exactly "lives are at stake" type of crisis, and concerning that a commander has no idea how many men and women are on his vessel.

But the big question is if Capt. Crozier, freaking out over 56 infections on March 29, 2020, to the extent of suspending social distancing because he believed everyone had been infected, and continuing would be "inhumane", why would he need to abandon ship, dock an aircraft carrier for 10 weeks, and cede dominance of the Sino Pacific the People's Liberation Navy that had just launched a new aircraft carrier, which immediately exploited the breach, pressuring Taiwan, while the forward deployed strategic bomber force on Guam was drawn back stateside. And you would have done that, too, with your vaccinated, boosted and masked self?

Well, the courageous Capt. Crozier suddenly decided not to pursue his dreams for a star, and retired.

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