How to Host a Website: Complete Beginner Guide in 2023

2 years ago

Step 1: Decide What Type of Website You Want. You will typically find 2 types of websites:
Step 2: Choose Your Hosting Server. ...
Step 3: Select Your Web Hosting Plan. ...
Step 4: Change Your DNS Address. ...
Step 5: Upload Your Website.
this is usually done in one of two ways.
You can pay for hosting with a service provider or you can host it yourself on your own server – we will look into both methods in this article.
Working with a service provider is the most comfortable and convenient method of web hosting.
It is cheaper, comes with support, and is often more reliable.

The disadvantage of using a hosting provider includes the risk of service restrictions. There are also likely to be fewer choices in web hosting locations available.
To get started, first decide what type of website you are building.
Next, compare web hosting types to see which is most suitable for your needs.
There are three main types of web host categories: Shared, VPS or Cloud, and Dedicated Server.
The cheapest and easiest to manage is shared hosting. Virtual Private Servers and Dedicated Server hosting plans are better choices for websites expected to serve more visitors. Once you’ve chosen a plan and signed up for it, you will need to purchase a domain name.
A domain name is an address that visitors will use to access your website.
With those two things in place, you can then move your website files onto your hosting server.
Hosting a website on your own server means you can choose any location for it to be placed.
Since you own the entire server, there aren’t likely to be any restrictions in place. However, technical requirements, as well as the cost involved, do increase.
There are a few extra steps involved before you can move your files onto your server.
Instead of looking for a web hosting plan, you will need to select and configure your own equipment.
You will also have to install, set up the appropriate software, and ensure enough bandwidth for smooth access to your website.
Only when this is ready can you begin to deploy your website.

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