Ohio Democrat OBLITERATES Trump Piss Boy JD Vance During Senate Debate

2 years ago

Ohio Representative Tim Ryan questions JD Vance on his stance against codifying same-sex marriage and calls him out for kissing Donald Trump’s ass. The Majority Report crew discusses Vance’s humiliation and how he only backed Donald Trump when it became convenient for him. The MR crew also talks about how there have not been many national democratic groups aggressively backing Ryan as he stands with a tie against Vance. The MR crew talks about why it is important for Democrats to compare same-sex marriage to abortion as it highlights the Republican's extreme religious theocratic impulse.

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Let’s talk about the Debate between Tim Ryan and JD Vance last night. This race for Ohio’s senate seat vacated by Rob Portman due to retirement is heating up. And not with much help from Democratic national groups. Tim Ryan has been running as a moderate, which these democratic national groups should love, he did say that Biden shouldn’t seek reelection, but all of his positions have been “I am a centrist” and “I am a moderate” that’s how he has been framing himself in the general…

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