Session 2: Loving God is the First and Great Commandment

2 years ago

Session 2: Loving God is the First and Great Commandment


Review: Jesus’ statement in Matthew 22:37-38 reveals God’s mission statement for the human race. Thus, it is the most reliable measurement of success for a believer at the judgment seat of Christ.
37“‘You shall love the Lord…with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and great commandment.” (Mt. 22:37-38)

God first exhorted Israel, through Moses, to love Him with all their heart. You shall love the LORD…with all your heart…and with all your strength. (Deut. 6:5)

Moses prophesied Israel would love God with all their heart in the end times (Deut. 30:1-6). The Lord…will circumcise your heart…to love the Lord…with all your heart. (Deut. 30:6)

In Matthew 22:37, Jesus’ statement about loving God was both an exhortation and a prophecy.

In Matthew 22:38, Jesus elaborated on Moses’ exhortation, adding two words—first and great.

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