No answer from Servus Christi

2 years ago

When we ask honest questions from those who claim authority in Christ, we expect an honest answer - that's what the scriptures require - we don't accept the typical "who are you" - "I am not accountable to you" answers we typically get. We aren't fools, and we aren't kidding or playing games - we are men with questions - we require answers - which the scriptures require. Having an audience, or a following doesn't not now days equate to God's approval or the legitimacy of the minister. We are more than willing to stand alone if that is what is required. We are calling the people of the Lord out of Babylon - this message is not optional - but it's for everyman. The scriptures says "EVERY MAN" - and the scriptures say "HEAR THE MAN". We are not going away anytime soon, but we will continue to speak these truths as we have received them.

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