Dr. Zuhdi Jasser Talks Iran Protests, Islamist Ideology, and Islamic Reform | TEASER

1 year ago

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On this episode of American Thought Leaders, I sat down with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a practicing physician, proud Muslim, and the founder of multiple organizations aimed at countering the threat of political Islam, more commonly referred to as “Islamism.”

“The hypocrisy of the left, the feminists, and others that claim to be about women’s rights is just mind-boggling…They think people are not going to notice…their silence on supporting their actual allies, which are the women in the streets of Iran,” says Jasser.

We discuss the current protests in Iran, the role America should play in the Middle East, and the curious alliance between far-leftists and illiberal Islamists - what Dr. Jasser calls, “the red-green axis.”

“The relationship between AOC and Ilhan Omar is exactly the same in the US Congress as it is in the UN between Iran and the Venezuelas and the Chinas of the world that are far-left communists…They work together because they have a common fear and hate of freedom and liberty,” says Jasser.

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#Iran #IranProtests #MahsaAmini
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shutterstock Images: https://shutr.bz/2u8Zdp8
Music: Audioblocks.com, epidemicsound.com
Stock Video: Videoblocks.com

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