10 Hours Of Soothing Air Conditioner Sounds For Sleeping Or Studying | Relaxing Ambient White Noise

2 years ago

10 Hours Of Soothing Air Conditioner Sounds For Sleeping Or Studying | Relaxing Ambient White Noise

The air conditioner sound is similar to our fan white noise videos, but it has a deeper rumble which is especially soothing. The sound masking of the AC can also be used as a study aid. Others may find the noise helpful for temporarily masking the symptoms of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.

Relax with 10 hours of soothing air conditioner sounds. The sound of an air conditioner is perfect for helping you fall asleep. Play this relaxing white noise to help you get to sleep and stay sleeping all night long. The 10-hour ambiance calms your mind, blocks out distractions and ensures a night of good rest.

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