Country life

2 years ago

This last year has been a trip. Let me try to say what I remember off the top of my head.
Start work at a grocery store and got away from construction
HOt summer
Electricity Blew up
extension cords for freezers
Amazing friends
Iced over winters
Chopping wood for amazing fires
Making a chicken coop
Raisin chickens
Subsequent chicken massacres
Replenishing chickens
Reinforcing yard
Making a hog house
Getting breeding pigs
Feeding those fat efffs
Rebecca Gass working food drops for pig food
Spending every weekend breaking down boxes
Pigs escaping
Reinforcing fence
Training dogs to be outside
Sadly lose 2 pups(killed), our elderly cat passed away and 1 kitten disappear
Find abandoned animals on our property
Get farm dogs
Boxes boxes boxes because idk what to do
Trying to get chicks and ducks to finally lay eggs
Our first batch of piglets

This is a good list but barely scratches the surface of what’s been going on. The move has been amazing. I’ve missed my old friends to death but have been pre occupied with everything here daily.
I’m doing good, and I hope everyone else has been doing just as good if not prospering.

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