Warning From The Lord

2 years ago

10/7/2022 7:51am
There comes a shaking, a shaking of pastors, leaders, Christians that are not abiding in me says the Lord. A shaking of non-believers. This shaking is for all to come to me who will, says the Lord. This shaking is to expose the enemy in every area he is operating.

Do not fear what you will see, for I the Lord will protect the ones that abide in me. Do not fear says the Lord for I will cover you and provide for you. Do not fear for the enemy will cry out in anger. Do not fear, for these things have to come to pass. For I will place my church in position for blessings and victories.

I will expose evil at its root; it will not stay hidden any longer. Man have stood on the pulpit and have lied to my people, they will be exposed and taken out of the way, because they refused to repent. Stand up my beloved and watch me work through you. Obey me and I will make the way for you says the Lord.

Do not fear what you see, put your faith in me for I have given you the victory. Take the victory, speak the victory, use my word and watch it come to pass says the Lord. Storms will come and storms will pass you, when you speak my word. Abide in me, stay in me, spend time with me, speak my word and I will cover you says the Lord. I Love you, I Love You, I Love You

Jeremiah 7:16-27
Jeremiah 11:10-17
Jeremiah 14:11-16
Deuteronomy 18:10-11

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