The beautiful Irish Sea

2 years ago

Calm and peaceful Irsh Sea(Muir na h'Eireann) lapping at the shores of Castletown Wexford (named so from the Danes -Waesfjord-Whiteford)Loch Carmen/Garman so named from either a king of the Tuatha Dé Danann Garm-án who drowned in the floodtides of the Slaney river in the harbour of Wexford or a Spanish pirate queen named Carmen and her three sons who ravaged Ireland and were banished by the TDD .Carmen was held captive in a tower at Wexford where it is said she died of a broken heart from the loss of never seeing her sons again .She is buried beneath the great Oak (Dair)wood of Wexford .Carmen later becoming a fair like Tailtenn where poeple from all over ireland gathered for racing,selling their wares and matchmaking ,ships even came to port from Spain and many foreign lands to to attend this fair .This region in the distance is also where the famous Ladra of Cessairs invasion from the Book of Invasions landed for the first time and the late batlle of Erimon and Eber the Milesian kings of the Gaels/Scythian descendants took place in Ard Ladrann.Where Ladras mound can be found to this day .

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