Is It Safe To Fly Yet?

2 years ago

**CORRECTION: Dr. Ruby erred when indicating that Freedom Flyers’ Josh Yoder stated, Capt Bob Snow/American Airlines was flying prior to his heart attack, with chest pain. The correct statement was that Snow was flying with stomach distress shortly before the event, that he later learned could have been related to his cardiac condition.

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane speaks tackles Truth in Aviation…people die suddenly, a few months later, & 12-18 months post C-19 bioweapon shots so what is the state of our nation’s aviation safety one year after our commercial pilots and FAs succumbed to being shot up? And what will they do if boosters & multi-mRNA 2nd round is mandated? Dr. Jane gets to the truth with commercial airline Captain, Dr. Kevin Stillwagon. This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter truth in medicine.

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