Who Fact Checks The Fact Checkers, Dr John Campbell. The BMJ vs Lead Stories

2 years ago

from - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuqDu9ZCP_c
The doctor discusses human origins but my attempt to reply on the subject has been deleted FOUR times by yt despite various editing attempts to slip past the censors. Why yt thinks this post should be deleted is a total mystery to me. Anyone?
Deleted yt post BEGINS - Dr John today discussed briefly the origins of humankind so I wrote this post & then refreshed the page (after I cut the words out). Good thing too, because yt instantly deleted my post.
BEGINS - I wrote my previous post before I got to the end where the doctor talks about human origins, another area where I have to say, I think the science is being obfuscated behind politics & eugenics. Glad to see the doctor interested in this area too. Perhaps I can point to Denisovan Origins by Andrew Collins & Gregory Little, & also to America Before by Graham Hancock to help fill in some gaps. I'm also very interested in a new thesis called Into Africa & there's an excellent little book by a Bruce Fenton called The Forgotten Exodus: The INTO Africa Theory of Human Evolution. All on Amazon.
But if you really fancy heading out there... really OUT there... you could check out Goliaths Footprint in Mpumalanga, South Africa. I have visited this site & I am convinced this thing is as real as you & I! It's existence throws some rather good sized shade over what we think we know about our origins. Seems we may have devolved down from some very large human-like origins & not up from apes as we're told. This mirrors much of what we know about pre-history, filled with enormous ferns, insects, & giant lizards. They have all grown smaller & smaller over the millennia, but, at least according to the accepted narrative, we have not.
John mentions that Southern Africans are devoid of Neanderthal DNA & no Neanderthals have ever been found down here. This is true. What we DO find down here, however, is Homo Heidelbergensis, also found in Europe & elsewhere. The skull of Broken Hill Man, now known as the Kabwe skull, the first ancient hominid ever discovered in 1921 in Zambia, shows Heidelbergensis to be a good deal taller & more robust than we. The Berg Aukas hip-bone, found in a Namibian tin mine in the 60's & now housed at Wits University in Johannesburg, is at least twice the size of a modern human hip-bone, suggesting this particular individual stood at least 10 or 12 feet tall. Check it all out folks.
Sorry, yt no longer likes us posting links so you'll all just have to find this stuff for yourselves. All the best to everyone <3

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