California Ag Solutions Cover Cropping Lunch and Learn 2022

2 years ago

Watch and listen as farmers and researchers share their experiences about cover cropping in California.

- timestamps -
00:00 - start
02:03 - Matt Angell - Madera Resource Conservation District (RCD)
19:27 - Rob Roy, Regional Agronomist
50:44 - Justin Dutra, CAS Regenerative Agronomist, PCA, CCA
01:03:03 - Silas Rossow, President of California Ag Solutions
01:33:09- Monte Bottens, Founder of California Ag Solutions, Owner of Bottens Family Farm and Ag Solutions Network
01:55:36 - Grower Panel Discussion

Matt Angell will talk about how important cover crops are in a farming operation. He will talk about the RCD and how they help growers succeed.

Rob Roy - Regional Agronomist: Rob will talk about soil health and its effect on water and nitrogen efficiency.

Justin Dutra - Cover Cropping Systems and their effects on IPM: Justin will talk about the benefits of a cover crop system and how it affects IPM.

Silas Rossow - Creating a Cover Cropping System: Silas will talk about the nuts and bolts of a successful cover crop system.

Monte Bottens - The Art of Balancing: Monte will discuss how CAS can help the grower get the most of irrigation water and improve soil health from a practical farming perspective, wrapping all the important info together. Balancing yield needs, soil health, and water availability for years to come.

Growers Panel Discussion: growers talk about their experience and the benefits they have seen in using cover crops on their operations.

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