King Charles Personal Master Pedophile Necrophiliac and Trusted Advisor Jimmy SaVILE

2 years ago

King Charles Personal Master Pedophile Necrophiliac and Trusted Advisor Jimmy SaVILE

Did you know that the now King Charles had a pedophile, murderer, necrophiliac as a trusted and admired advisor?

Buckle your seatbelts for a deep dive on one of the most heinous people I've ever had the displeasure of digging on.
If you want to red pill a friend or family member on the royal family then I suggest you have them read this article.
The proof is all there. Many of the old guard elites are far worse than you can imagine.

Jimmy Saville: Pedophile, murderer, Satanic, and unofficial royal advisor to Prince Charles.

Mirrored from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter


King Charles Implicated in Child Sacrifice and Murder. Tribunal Scheduled 11-1-2022. Some of that Evidence Presented now by Kevin Annette, Child Trafficking and Indigenous Human Rights Activist 10-9-2022

King Charles linked to death of Kamloops children and William Combes– Witnesses describe rituals

(Breaking News, September 19/20, 2022: King Charles ordered to appear before International Tribunal over the death of William Combs and Others. – Murder by Decree)

According to the Tribunal’s Public Information Office, “Our Tribunal has today received sworn statements from British and Canadian nationals. They claim to have witnessed the personal participation of Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, aka King Charles III, in ceremonies involving native children that occurred in Carnarvon Castle in Wales and at the former Catholic Indian school in Fort Providence, Canada, on October 30, 1964, and July 11, 1970, respectively.

“The first ceremony involved the ritual killing of Cecilia Arnold, age ten, and Edward Arnuse, age ten, two survivors of the original ten children abducted by Charles’ parents from the Kamloops Indian school.

The second ceremony involved a similar ritual killing of an undetermined number of Inuit children provided by the clergy of the Catholic Sacred Heart Indian residential school in the Northwest Territories.

“Another witness, a former government employee, claims that then-Prince Charles had personal knowledge of and sanctioned a ‘kill order’ issued by the British MI-6 against William Combes, the sole living eyewitness to the October 1964 Kamloops abductions.

Combes subsequently died of arsenic poisoning administered to him in St. Paul’s Catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011.” (See nurse Chloe Kirker’s statement at (38) Eyewitness to medical murder of William Combes - YouTube)

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