Meditation Teacher Training Program of the Lineage of the Eagle and the Condor

2 years ago

The Purpose of this video series of teachings is to inspire, encourage and uplift our Eagle and Condor Tribe of the 144 to be the New Teachers, Guides and Leaders of the New Earth Arising.
These original teachings and practices will initially be released only on Patreon and Youtube memberships and then in time will be put together as a certification course on our website

We are looking for the next lineage of Enlightened beings to carry on our Spiritual Traditions of the merging of the East and the west and the North with the South and build our Eagle and Condor Sangha all over the world. (a Sangha is a Spiritual community of like-minded individuals that have a similar mindset and practice the Sacred Arts of Ascension and Divine Alchemy.

We are the forerunners and wayshowers of the Great Awakening and as this shift accelerates there will be a need more and more for guides and teachers of the Tao, the Way and Buddha Mind (Pure Awareness).

After training and teaching with many masters of Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Shamanism, Hinduism and Western Esoteric Traditions and Philosophies. My Sacred Condor and I have created our own Lineage of a merging of many Spiritual Truths and Traditions into the lineage of the Eagle and the Condor.

These are the teachings and philosophies of Unity Consciousness. Meditation/ Mindfulness Practices, Healing Arts and Divine Union.

We will begin with releasing weekly a new teaching/ lesson and after 6 to 12 weeks we will, depending on the interest raised, we will put together a certification course on our website for those that want to pursue further their own Dojo, Practice, Meditation Hall or wellness center through our lineage and if we get enough certified teacher, we will then start a monthly live training twice a month with a meditation session and Q and A. We are still working out the details of this program and we will see how it goes. No matter the level of mastery of any Art there is always refiniments and adjustments, over time, that keep the initiate/ disciples inspired and engaged with the practices and Spirtual Arts.

This is the next phase of our mission of the Ascension of Gaia and all her Children of the Sun. We see that even with the Event and Shift of the Ages there is and will continue to be a need for compassionate and Awakened Teachers to lead the Way to the New Earth and assist our People in Healing from Traumas and provided a Sacred Space to come together to practice these Sacred Arts and to form Sustainable Communities all over this realm.

Thank you all for your support, your blessed consideration and for all you do for Gaia and all her children and especially for coming on this Great Mission of the Transformation of Human Consciousness and our Beloved Mother Earth into the Paradise she had always evolved to be.

Much Love and Blessing in the Light… the Eagle and the Condor

link to Patreon video:

link to youtube membership video:


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