Episode 21: Part 5 Research Component: Transformation through Spiritual Mapping

2 years ago

In this episode Dr. Laura Sanger discusses the nuts and bolts of doing research for a spiritual mapping assignment. She shares about a spiritual mapping assignment that combined prophetic revelation with research to fuel strategic intercession and to minister to a people group.

Dr. Sanger used her experience in spiritual mapping to write The Roots of the Federal Reserve which is an investigative journey through time using spiritual mapping concepts to uncover the Nephilim agenda and the deep layers of defilement within our monetary system.

Transformation through Spiritual Mapping: 7-part series
Part 1 - Overview of Spiritual Mapping
Part 2 - Stewardship of the land
Part 3 - Ley-lines, Portals, Spiritual Gates and Grids
Part 4 - Spiritual Mapping Reconnaissance
Part 5 - Spiritual Mapping Research
Part 6 - Strategic and Informed Intercession
Part 7 - Developing a Spiritual Mapping Team

Deliverance Ministries:

1. The Roots of the Federal Reserve by Dr. Laura Sanger available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1942790198
2. Twilight Labyrinth by George Otis Jr.
3. Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets
4. Informed Intercession by George Otis Jr.
5. Warfare Prayer by C. Peter Wagner
6. Prayer Shield by C. Peter Wagner
7. Redemptive Gifts (http://www.theslg.com/) by Arthur Burke
8. A Sacred Trust by Dr. Alistair Petrie
9. Releasing Heaven on Earth by Dr. Alistair Petrie
10. Prophetic Intercession by Barbara Wintroble
11. Voice of God by Cindy Jacobs
12. Spiritual Authority by Watchmen Nee
13. Possessing the Gates of the Enemy by Cindy Jacobs

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