Live Chat IndusTokens - review 20221009

2 years ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- review 20221009

Open the Bible
- Galatians 5:16-26 Walking by the Spirit

Zodiac and More
- 2022.10.09
- Lunar 9.14
- Julian 9.26
- Ukraine War Day 228
- Day of the year 282
- Days left in the year 83

Today (10.09 ( In History
- Travel Through time
- Featured Event: John Lennon 82 yr B day

Quick Recap
1. Wizard 2022.10.9 Horses on the ranch
2. Trump Mesa AZ rally Brief Review

Reminder: Lobstr Basics Check
1. Have you saved account info?
2. Take Five:
-- SGB flagship
-- ERRES "Rothschild"
-- XPLA physical platinum
-- XRP "DOD"
-- XDC "DOD"
3. Silver Mines
4. Please check Whip big list

Token Digs
- Tokens in Whip's recent post

( and Current Events
1. Lin Wood "Gold Rice (" post
- revisit US gold related tokens in
2. Elon Musk on Nuclear threat
3. Qatar 13.2% population increase - FIFA2022

Enjoy The Journey!

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