Legendary UK guitarist Mick Pini is my guest with “Are You Blind?"

2 years ago

Legendary UK blues guitarist of 40+ years Mick Pini talks about his recent release “Are You Blind?” as a retrospect of 40 years in the business and will be featured in the forthcoming “Way Ahead” sessions! Mick is also accompanied by producer Craig Marshall (aka Audio 54) and legendary radio host Pete Feenstra of Black Pearl and talk about the project together along with how he got started and working with numerous legends including Peter Green, BB King, and more! Check out the amazing Mick Pini and all his works at www.mickpini.com today! #mickpini #bluesguitairst #UK #areyoublind #craigmarshall #audio54 #petefeenstra #petergreen #BBKing #spreaker #spotify #anchorfm #iheartradio #applemusic #hamiltonradio #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermickpini #themikewagnershowmickpini

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