How Hard Is Your Training?

2 years ago

How hard do you make your training? Training needs to be challenging, performance oriented, interesting and keep you mentally engaged throughout the session. Go-Stop on A zone steel and 6” plates, targets set at 17-22 yards.

I’m a huge fan of FLOW methodology. It generally deals with performance but has huge application in training I believe. The tasks I do in training are challenging but consistent with where I think my skills are. If the tasks are too easy training is boring and no development takes place. If the tasks are too difficult it’s easy to be discouraged, give up and no development takes place. My own training in some ways mirrors my classes and is very different in other ways.

Courses need to be tailored, sometimes on the fly, to the cross section of skills and abilities you see in a group of shooters. Guys still trying to fix their grips with a drill like practical accuracy at 10 yards won’t get too much from shooting doubles at 20. Feed back to the individual shooters also needs to be tailored. From all the pro shooters I’ve shot with this is the major difference in the instruction I’ve received.

Evolving as a shooter is 100% necessary to evolve as a trainer or instructor.

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