2 years ago


Our political leaders stated it in front of the cameras: the lock-downs, face masks, social distancing, compulsive hand washing, even the police fines… it was all just a behavioural experiment. They said it, but no one seemed to hear. Fear had taken over people’s minds, and so, logical thinking was no longer an option. The majority of the people the Cabal so look down upon, complied with the ridiculous, contradictory rules that kept getting weirder and weirder. How easy was it to terrify and suppress the people, to take all their freedoms away, one by one so they wouldn’t notice it? It turned out to be very, very easy. Fear kept people submissive and right where they belonged: bent and about to break under the oppression by the Cabal…

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, Gothic Storm, Foxwinter, Mortifer V., AShamaluev, T. Mutiu, Zakhar Valaha.

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