Oct 9 2022: Jesus: Baptizer, Part 2

2 years ago

Jesus: Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Part 2
Dr. Gary Denbow
John 20:19-23

1. Verse 19:
• “Startled and frightened”
• “Peace be with you” – “Shalom”
• They would know His voice.

2. Verse 20:
• His hands and feet – they were the identifiers.
• Hearing His voice and seeing His scars opened their eyes.

3. Verse 21:
• Their grief was turned to joy. (John:16-22)
• The joy of the redeemed came upon them, they were ready to receive His word.
• They were ready to do His works.

4. Verse 22:
• The breath of the Holy Spirit on them.
• Emphusao – God breathing life into Adam and Eve. (Genesis 2:7). And Ezekiel (Ezek. 37:9-10)
• He will glorify Jesus by revealing more of Christ to the Church.

5. Verse 23:
• We cannot forgive sins, but we are commissioned to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
• The Holy Spirit gives us the power to go, witness, and assemble the church.

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