Mobile Home Porch Build Double Steps - Rogers Front Porch

2 years ago

Went through and completely replaced the front porch for the customer. He did change his mind, so as always, we work to make the customer happy.

00:00 Some joke about hands in his pockets--couldn't make it out
00:19 We are lowering the deck down and completely re-doing it
00:29 Dug out an area to pour concrete
00:39 Stom coming so we had to hurry. We poured concrete
01:05 Framed in the deck, it is bigger than they had
01:17 Will have steps on both sides after done
01:48 Put even steps like the other side
02:20 The final product

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Hey guys, you see me with my hands in my pockets more this year it will be because I like my pockets??? The project we’ve got here, lowering that deck down so that whenever snow gets on there it doesn’t catch. We’re going to be 5 inches down. So that it will slip off the sides. It’s going to be low enough that we’re probably not going to put handrails off to the sides. And then the steps going to go on top of the concrete here that we’re going to pour. Which we’ve already dug out, you missed out on that. Little bit of sweat, when we got to that. So we'll give you videos as we go along.

We had to get in a hurry because we've got a storm coming. So we did. Sorry we didn't take you all the way through this. But to explain we had makes the concrete. Put it in. Finished it, to get some soup on top and get the rocks down. Rush finish on that, hopefully that'll be as you can see, it's green stuff they call green concrete. And this is, you know, older, gray. That’ll turn gray and it’ll be almost light gray tomorrow. Then we frame to a bigger the actually deck was smaller than is now. And we made it bigger so they could come out around the door. The step will be over that way. And then they can go in with the groceries. And then what I did over here was I split the steps. So it has three even distances. Later on.

Tomorrow, we're going to fill all this in with solid wood. All that will be solid wood. And then we'll do the same on this side tomorrow. We'll see more tomorrow.

What we've done is made it with the steps are even like we did on the other side. This is how we supported it, because it's less than five and a half inch. It's as far as width support. We had to use 2 to 4 and then support them and we used materials we had here, and maybe more than what we needed.

And so we'll fill this in with, with two by sixes and then we'll come along and fill all this solid underneath, all the way around and it will hold up to heavy duty loads.

Hi guys. This is the final decision. He changed his mind and wanted to put some handrails up and we put some handrails up and filled in everything solid. Later on, whenever the moisture gets out of the boards, two months, three months. We’ll stain it and probably paint this too.

At the same time accent color all the steps are even. And now, when he puts a carport over here, he can get it from either vehicle. So job is accomplished, and everybody’s happy.

#MobileHomeRepair, #MobileHomeImprovement, #DIYHomeRepair

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