Smoking gun MISSING Interview. This needs coverage! Cover up? Intimidation? Whats it mean?

2 years ago

In 2017-18 Hotones and Ashton Kutcher conducted an interview at which point he was asked about a change in his involvement with THORN at which point Kutcher states "He had pissed off the wrong people, I shouldnt have said that"... After a time said interview disappeared..
The fact a organization which specializes in the fields THORN whos founder states his operations or the operations of the organization was influenced by an outside 'people'.. citing "i had pissed off the wrong people" subsequently removing of said interview shows the potential nature of the events.. which also leads to the potential of other conflict of interests in operations and potential corruption.. Which should of been noticed on such a popular platform before its removal and had been investigated.
Compounding ^ said founding is also tied to a 'Steering Committee" as a Young Global Leader of the WEF. Whos business model is to gather influential, powerful, rich and connected people and direct them under the same philosophy and agendas. There should of been a investigation if his position with the WEF gained anything from the situation with THORN.
As a major concern being that a organization like THORN being utilized like a more sophisticated operation like Epstein was conducting, 'the blackmail ring' on my sophisticated in a manner of not being directly involved with the behaviors. Effectively skimming the usable, corrupted, corruptible to be utilized towards their ideology and agendas while booting the rest to law enforcement..
Somewhere out there SOMEONE has a copy of the initial missing interview.. Please send it to myself along with any journalistic outlet you can.. link this video or state the concern in body of a message.. Regardless.. DO THE RIGHT THING. If you THINK you have it.. please look for it..
Discussion matters.. Please discuss, share and ask people if they've seen or recorded the first interview that is missing.
Ive hesitated from uploading a public video on this for a reason.

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