Politics in Perspective: You’re Being Played

2 years ago

The people in power who are supposedly acting in your best interest are not. They are robbing you and robbing your future.

Via the media companies they own, they stoke the fires of racism, sexism, etc. and constantly instill fear.

They purposefully make the people fight with each other so they can steal, grift, embezzle, monopolize, etc. under the guise of helping the people.

They create crises, then “solve them” by stealing more of the people’s money, liberty and freedom.

Don’t play into their plan - don’t feed this monster - don’t watch or support any mainstream or legacy platforms - watch and support independent, fair, wholesome content created by the people for the people.


— Lightness Meditation sessions, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAyVkTL0GAK7FTOm-TzgBw

— Podcast Engineering School, https://podcastengineeringschool.com/

— Chris’s fractal art and social media, http://fractalchris.com/

— The Mystic Show (podcast), https://themysticshow.net/

— Leap Beyond Your Limits (book) — https://www.amazon.com/Leap-Beyond-Limits-Chris-Curran/dp/1599303426

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