Change is on the Horizon-NESARA and restoring the Multipolar World Order. A film by James Rink

2 years ago

If you want to understand everything from the east India company to the current financial situation in the world, and how we got here, this is critical viewing. The video is still available on YouTube, however the description states that it was updated and re-uploaded in this current form just over two years ago to encompass a few changes and make a few things a bit more modern.

If you have seen the film "everything is a rich man's trick" then you will definitely enjoy this as it not only covers the same period in time, but it covers either side of that period of time just from a slightly higher level. This is one of those stories that could've been 10 hours long, but the original poster and creator James Rink (who I would like to give full credit to for his excellent work) realised that anything over three hours long is going to be too much for the attention span of the average person so it will probably leave you with a lot of questions many of which you can go away and research further (a number of the things he covers. I've already been looking up without even knowing about this video or NESARA.

PART 1: We start in Tudor, England, to learn about Saint-Germain

PART 2: We learn how the Bankers tried to destroy St Germains mission.

PART:3 We learn how humanity would be set free.

If you want to understand everything from the east India company to the current financial situation in the world, and how we got here, this is critical viewing. The video is still available on YouTube, however the description states that it was updated and re-uploaded in this current form just over two years ago to encompass a few changes and make a few things a bit more modern.

If you have seen the film "everything is a rich man's trick" then you will definitely enjoy this as it not only covers the same period in time, but it covers either side of that period of time just from a slightly higher level. This is one of those stories that could've been 10 hours long, but the original poster and creator James Rink (who I would like to give full credit to for his excellent work) realised that anything over three hours long is going to be too much for the attention span of the average person so it will probably leave you with a lot of questions many of which you can go away and research further (a number of the things he covers. I've already been looking up without even knowing about this video or NESARA).

PART 1: We start in Tudor, England, to learn about Saint-Germain

PART 2: We learn how the Bankers tried to destroy St Germains mission.

PART:3 We learn how humanity would be set free.

This video was originally released in 2011 and went viral receiving 5 million views but quickly was suppressed by the Youtube algorithm. James has since updated the video slightly for 2020 audiences and added some new content. This video took him three years to make ; and because of the practically zero budget he had to use low quality footage. He stared working on this project in 2008 because almost no one else would touch this subject matter, at that time, and do so in a way that was easy to understand. After giving up trying to find volunteers or a financial backer to support him he decided to do all the work on his own at his own expense.

Since the law covers banking, constitutional law, and major reformations James had to start in Tudor England to explain how the world became so unhinged. It was never his goal for this to be three hours long but that's how long it took to explain what was going on.
To answer some of the controversies. People are complaining about seeing Joe Biden's picture next to Senator Sam Nunn. This is what Shaini Goodwin, aka Dove of Oneness said to be true. Since she died on May 30th 2010, James states he was unable to get clarification from her. He does agree Biden is very dirty now and probably was replaced with a clone just like Janet Reno, Rubin, and Clinton.

Also in this video He point jabs on the Rothschild's so much in part because of how they screwed Saint Germain; but there are more powerful and wealthy bloodlines that run this planet. Namely the Payseurs bloodline, who ran the railroad and manufacturing empires and are now worth $4 quad as opposed to the $600 trillion of the Rothschild's. Much more could have been said all about this as well as discussions about their secret space program connections.
You may have noticed James didn't talk about the dragon family gold or the RV of the currencies. Much more could have been discussed, if he didn't get everything he does apologize as he needed to limit the time of this video for the sake of the listener's attention span.

This script, which James originally wrote years ago, has been slowing changing on the internet, namely people have been changing the acronym of NESARA back to Harvey Bernard's NESARA law in order to create confusion; as well as changing key provisions behind the law such as raising the national sales tax rate figure from 14% to 17%. The key provisions shown in this video originally came from Shaini Goodwin's website which no longer exists. So sit back, relax, and prepare to open your mind.

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Neither myself,James Rink, or Neological Technologies necessarily vouch for the validity of any of the views expressed in this video and shall as such be held harmless by all third parties. Meditation and any information provided here is offered to treat for entertainment purposes only.

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