The Biblical Feasts “God’s Appointed Times” Leviticus 23:1-43

2 years ago

Today, as believers are thinking more and more about the return of Jesus for His church…
It is a great time to look at the calendar of events called the Feasts of Israel, or (God’s appointed times) to see how they point to Jesus.
The first thing we need to look at is the word for feast used in Hebrew…which is moed…and it means “appointed time” or set feast.
The word moed is also used to talk about time…as it can mean everlasting, like our “Everlasting Father.”
But there is another meaning in the word…and that is the Hebrew word for “witness.”
So, all together, the word for feast, moed, means a fixed appointed time which testifies and points to something that is to come.
And that is a perfect description of what God gives us in the biblical feasts!

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