Repent, the Kingdom of God is at Hand

2 years ago

Repent, the Kingdom of God is at Hand

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Matthew 3:1-2
Mat.4:17, Mat.10:5-8

Most of the time when we hear the word repent, and how it is used in sermons it seems to mean something like, turn away from your sin and turn towards God. When a person repents, that does happen – that’s in its meaning.

The word repent = metanoeo, two words put together. Meta – “after,” and Noeo – “to think” = think differently or reconsider – Change the way you think.

John, Jesus, and the Disciples were telling the people: Change the way you think because the Kingdom of God is close at hand, or is here now.

That generation had grown up knowing that someday Messiah would come but when he finally arrived the majority couldn't see it because of their mindset was stuck on religious activity.

When I change the way I think to match what God says it true, my life changes and becomes the way God intended.

Are there warnings for us about problems that would be in the church in the last days?
2Ti 3:1 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:…”
2. “For men will be lovers of themselves,…”
4. “… traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,…” 5. “… having a form of godliness but denying its power.”

Unfortunately, this describes much of the church world in America - stuck on religious activity.

I feel God speaking this message to us today - Repent - change the way you think about the times and the seasons we are in, because the Kingdom of God is at hand.
There's seems to be a mental dullness, a lethargy, narcissism that causes people to be moved away from Kingdom thinking.

We should be like the sons of Issachar in 1Chr.13:32 “..the sons of Issachar … had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…”
– They understood public affairs, the atmosphere of the nation, and the importance of the present events.

How focused are we on the reality that the Kingdom of God is now?
How does that affect how we live?

A while back Bishop Don Johnson preached a message about growing up on a ranch / farm. The harvest was ALWAYSE in the back of their minds for why they were doing every job they did.

If you lose sight of that, what you are doing in this season loses its significance.

I feel God prompting us to be awake to the season we are in.

To use a band analogy, even though you know the music, in this season, understanding the warnings given to the church, TODAY is the time to watch the conductor as He is orchestrating events and it is imperative I’m awake to His promptings.

Last year from 4-11-21 to 6-6-21 I talked about the feasts God instructed Israel to observe.

The Hebrew, calendar is a lunar/solar calendar (months are based on lunar months but years are based on solar years) and is the official calendar in Israel.

It’s fascinating that most of the significant events in history fall on the Hebrew calendar.

That's a huge point of interest. Pay attention to where we're at.

On September 25th (two weeks ago) we just entered a new year on the Hebrew calendar.

I believe signs and wonders are designed to get our attention so I can sharpen my focus on the Heart of the Father.
Two Hebrew Holidays this month:
Yom Kippur, (Day of Atonement) Began sunset Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Sukkot, (The Feast of Tabernacles) Begins sunset Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Feast of Tabernacles summed up in one statement – This feast anticipates the time when God will dwell with us.
Isn’t that what the whole of scripture points to?

What is God up to in this season?
What is God up to in our community?
What is God up to in your life?

Change the way you think, for the Kingdom of God is here now.

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