A Land UNKNOWN: Brian Melville's Horrifying Tour of Hell after dying unexpectedly: Joni Table Talk

2 years ago

Video originally aired 8/8/22 on Joni Table Talk of Daystar titled: A Land Unknown with author Brian Melvin who talks about his real death experience described in his book of the same title.
Listen to the horrifying account of torment that awaits all those who reject Jesus’s free gift of salvation.
The details of Brian’s experience help interpret descriptions in the Bible and should warn every believer to get busy and help spread the saving Gospel of God’s love.
It should warn every person who has rejected Jesus to re-examing their confidence on the things they believe and consider how sound their rationale is.
There is no “Our Truth” that changes to each person. Either something is true, or it isn’t.
But Jesus claimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.” John 14:6
No direct link to video, but can be searched on this page: https://www.daystar.com/shows/jonilamb/
Weekly Radio Show: Season Watch on KPraise: https://kprz.com/radioshow/season-watch-with-wendy-scott
Blog Website--My Words for Him: https://mywordsforhim.com/
Jewish Outreach website--My Hatikva Israel [ מִי הַתִּקְוָה יִשְׂרָאֵל?]: http://mihatikvaisrael.com/
The Scientific Facts for Creation website--True Science Facts: http://truesciencefacts.com/

Christian Novel--"The Lost: A Story of Christmas"
Sold in Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Christmas-Wendy-S-Scott-ebook/dp/B08LDN6MMC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=%22the+lost%3A+a+story+of+christmas%22&qid=1633275589&sr=8-1

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