Guided Meditation - A Purified Version of Self

2 years ago

This Meditation has been gifted to us by the Dragons.
During this cleansing Meditation you will experience purifying Universal Light entering your physical body, going right down to the cellular level.
Discover the relaxing and healing benefits of allowing the purifying Light of Source that is invoked during this restoring meditation experience.
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Learn more about Crystal Net and Crystal Pattern meditations: E-book: Networking with Crystals – Crystal Net Meditations
This purifying Meditation is a guided meditation gifted to us by the Dragons. Personally I experience them as benevolent Star Beings who are here to support the Ascension Process of Humanity.
Use this meditation to release outdated patterns and emotions from your physical body, helping you let go of anything you no longer need.
Deep breathing and guided visualisation, together with Universal Light energy and soothing music, will unwind and relax you offering peace and serenity. You can repeat this Cleansing Meditation as often as you choose to help you let go of any patterns and emotions you no longer need. This guided purifying Meditation is suitable for repeated listening. Regular listening to this relaxing Meditation and will help to connect you more closely with your intuition and the intelligent healing power of your body.
Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.
With much Love, Blessings & Gratitude. Xxx
PS: Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & SHARE. Please pass on to those who you think might enjoy this guided Cleansing Meditation for healing and connection to the self-healing powers of their own bodies.
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Original vocals and video by © Karin (Dragon) Bain 2022
Images and videos via Canva.
Video created using Canva:
Music with much Gratitude:

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