Song Service, New Destiny Worship Center, 10/9/2022

2 years ago

All our best intentions aside, things do not always go according to plan, and people do not always behave as expected. Sometimes, rather than attempting to rescue the plan or redirect the people, that is when we must stay focused and praise Him in spite of! We can trust Him to work it out in the end!

Welcome to the song service of New Destiny Worship Center! While we don not own the rights to any of this music, we thank God for the artists who created and released it, and we invite you to enjoy it with us as we lead you in worship.

Order of Service:
Take My Life (Holiness)
I’m Getting Ready
The Name Of Jesus Lifted High

Hear the accompanying sermon on the Facebook page of Pastor Manwell Faison:
Praise Your Hooray Back
2 Samuel 6:15-18

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