Xray Alpha CQB Assessment Drill

2 years ago

CQB Assessment aka CQB Warm Up is a good test. Lots of skills rolled into one exercise. Running it here during a XA 3 day Carbine/Pistol course in Mesa AZ.

Par times are challenging but very doable. This run was a 228 making all the par times.

Range setup: 2 scorable targets (IPSC) per shooter. Firing lines distinguishable at 7m, 10m, 20m, 40m.

From the 40m Line 2 rounds per target standing position, 2 rounds per target in prone position (total of 8 rounds for this iteration). Par time: 6 Seconds

From the 40m Line; ending at the 20m Line 2 rounds per target standing position at 40m, move to 20m line, 2 rounds per target at 20m (8 rounds) Par time: 9 Seconds

From the 20m line; ending at the 10m line 2 rounds per target standing position at 20m, move to 10m line, 2 rounds per target at 10m. (8 rounds) Par time: 7 Seconds

Standing at the 10m line 3 rounds per target; transition to pistol; 3 pistol rounds per target (6 rifle, 6 pistol) Par time: 6 Seconds

Standing at the 7m line With an empty rifle, aiming through sites; transition to pistol. 3 rounds pistol per target. Par time: 3 Seconds.

Standing at the 7m line Rifle, Mag inserted, Bolt lock, weapon on fire, aimed at target On the beep, change magazines and engage each target with 3 rounds rifle. Par time: 5 Seconds

Scoring: Each target has 18 Rifle and 6 Pistol Total possible points are 240. Each round has max points of 5. IPSC target as the standard: A = 5 points, B/C = 3 points, D = 1 point, Miss = 0 points. Add total points scored. Passing is 85% or 204 points. Any rounds fired after the par time are considered misses.

www.xrayalpha.com for Matt's classes and schedule

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