Aliens amongst us-EHF Extraordinarily High Functioning or real Alien?!?!?! #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

Aliens amongst us-EHF Extraordinarily High Functioning or real Alien?!?!?!
EHF-Extraordinarily High Functioning BEINGS ... this catagory includes REAL Aliens and Half Human Progeny

Proof: CCTV Footage (50 seconds clip-watch it till the end)

What or who are these EHF beings/humans??
***There are few similar videos circulating on internet, but the point here is to know what these capabilities are and what's it source??)

So far we created several posts proving and providing the whereabouts of many ETs (human looking or non human looking) living amongst us on the Surface of Earth...

...this phenomenon has been going on for Millions of years ever since HUMANOIDS/HUMANS started inhabiting this planet.

Across various religions we called them FALLEN ANGELS, WATCHERS, ANGELS and or GOD(s) based on their categories, densities and origins...

As we are more sophesticated now scientifically and spiritually, they try to hide their identity and keep it very low.

The ones which look exactly like us have been involved in marriages with humans and giving birth to hybrids who are Humans but with extra capabilities.

We called them EHFs.

But, EHFs can be both REAL Aliens as well as their half human progeny.

Most of them are not the people with great intentions, as they tend to misuse their EHF capabilities in a covert manner to their benefit.

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