Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Activist – TURN IT OFF!

2 years ago

Ankeny School District has been a heated environment for debate lately with the topics of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Drag Shows, “diverse” LGBTQ+ school library literature featuring graphic text and pictures such as the cartoon illustrations of boys having sex in Gender Queer, masks, and vaccine mandates.

At board meetings, speakers are allowed to provide 3 minute speeches to the public voicing their opinions. These speeches are publicly recorded and become part of the public domain.

October 3, 2022 at the Ankeny Public School Board Meeting, one DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) activist began her speech “I…Uh….This meeting is live streaming which is perfectly fine by me; however, I do not give permission to record it on your personal phone….Nope. I have to give consent….I do not give consent.” She turns around and starts arguing with members of the public audience whom were previously recorded in the meeting just minutes before and whose recordings have actually been featured in various news venues already without their consent. Des Moines Register actually had F. Amanda Tugade photographing a previous speaker with her phone.

The argument continued:

Activist: “Turn it off!”

Audience Member: “Waste more time we’re good”

Activist: “Sister, you need to go to law school.”

Audience Member: “So do you.”

The activist turns around and continues. “Um, I know there are people here to see me who are compelled circle back around to topics address past things.”

She continues…“Presently we are all working together for our students to feel safe in school being exactly who they are. For the future, we must be compelled to actively work to create more safe spaces in our school and continue in our schools, continue to provide support for our staff and teachers. Focusing on the past and refusing to move towards the future does not allow Ankeny School District to be present and forward thinking. I think it is critical for us to continue to do the hard work, be future minded, be in the present, and work together to address current critical items like DEI and other items that are put before the board that are critical to the safety of our schools. Thank You.”

Shortly after the board president announces the next speaker the activist points at another audience member holding her phone and yells “Turn it off!” “Turn it Off!”

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