Lessons from the Prodigal Son's Brother and Jonah (Luke 15 & Jonah 4)

2 years ago

We can learn wonderful lessons from the prodigal's son's brother and Jonah. Reading Jonah 4 is like reading Luke 15:25-31. If God is going to put two similar accounts in the Bible – one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament – it seems He’s trying to drive home the points they make.

View all of Pastor Scott LaPierre's books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Scott-LaPierre/e/B01JT920EQ

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Here's the accompanying podcast episode: https://www.scottlapierre.org/lessons-from-the-prodigal-sons-brother/

00:00 Lessons from the Prodigal Son's Brother and Jonah (Luke 15.31-32 and Jonah 4)
01:56 Lesson One: __________ ________________ the parable of the prodigal son.
19:42 Lesson Two: When ______ ______________ others it doesn’t mean less for us.
22:28 Lesson Three: ____ ____ recognize our spiritual blessings?
33:01 Lesson Four: The Prodigal Son's Brother and Jonah teach us (Part One) ____ ______________ over salvation.
37:54 Lesson Four: The Prodigal Son's Brother and Jonah teach us (Part Two) ______ __________ to forgive.

Family Worship Guide

Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions below:

Day 1: Jonah 4—How is the parable of the prodigal son revealed in Jonah 4? How do you see the father, youngest son, and oldest son in Jonah 4? What are the similarities between the accounts?

Day 2: Luke 15:31 and Ephesians 1:3-11—Why do you think the older brother wasn’t aware of everything he had available to him? What spiritual blessings are available to us? What spiritual blessings might we neglect or fail to appreciate are available to us?

Day 3: Luke 15:31-32, Jonah 4:11, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 5:20—Why do you think God has two similar accounts, one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament? How do these accounts reveal that we should rejoice over salvation? How do they reveal that God desires to forgive?

For Scott LaPierre's conference and speaking information, including testimonies, endorsements, and contact info, please visit: https://www.scottlapierre.org/conferences-and-speaking/

If invited for a speaking engagement, you can expect:
• Professionally prepared and delivered messages
• A handout with lessons and discussion questions
• Copies of Pastor Scott's books to offer as gifts to increase registrations (if you desire)
• Advertising of your event on Scott's website and social media (if you desire)
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