Why does North Korea fires ballistic missile over Japan.

1 year ago

North Korea has fired ballistic missiles at Japan, in what appears to be a deliberate escalation to get the attention of Tokyo and Washington.

The missile traveled 4,500 km (2,800 miles) before crashing into the Pacific Ocean - far enough to hit the US island of Guam if it needed another pass.

This was North Korea's first missile launch over Japan since 2017. Japan issued a warning to some citizens to take cover.

The US, Japan and South Korea carried out their own military exercises in response.

South Korean and US aircraft hit mock targets on an uninhabited island in the Yellow Sea, while the US and Japan also conducted joint exercises over the Sea of ​​Japan.

The United Nations has banned North Korea from testing ballistic and nuclear weapons. Flying missiles into or over another country without any warning or consultation is also against international norms.
Most countries avoid doing so completely as it can easily be mistaken for an attack. While not as big as a nuclear test - which could be next - it can be considered very provocative. People in northern Japan, including the island of Hokkaido and the city of Aomori, were reportedly awakened by the sound of sirens and text warnings that read: "North Korea appears to have launched a missile. Please evacuate to buildings or underground."

As the missiles fly overhead, they are warned to be on the lookout for falling debris. However, many remained calm, with one video showing Tokyo passengers walking normally as loudspeakers sounded a warning.

But others were more shaken. "If a missile hits, I'm afraid it will be a big problem not only here but also nationally," Aomori resident Kazuko Ebina told the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.

Officials later said the medium-range ballistic missile fell into the Pacific Ocean far from Japan, and there were no reports of injuries.

It has covered the longest distance a North Korean missile has ever traveled, and reached an altitude of about 1,000 km - higher than the International Space Station. apan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida described the launch as "violent behavior", while defense minister Yasukazu Hamada said Japan would not rule out any options to strengthen its defenses including "counter-attack capability".

US President Joe Biden reinforced Washington's "strong commitment" to Japan's defense during a phone call with Mr Kishida, while the two leaders jointly condemned the missile test, a White House statement said.

#northkorea #southkorea #japan

SOURCE : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-63126534

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