Don’t be a “cringe” bag

2 years ago

Being "cool" is not something that could be taught, and if it ever was, it wouldn't be taught by this corny ass goof clown white monkey, let me tell you.
"I'm hip" totally buddy, you're the hippiest hippie honky tonk honky being the coolest thing out there and the coolest person I have ever seen, is it possible to hire you for some being "cool" classes?
I'd love to book you and learn all you cool tricks mr hip, yeah right on buddy "knucks" . lol

Can't be fucking serious man.

Don’t be like this clown, not even jokingly.

God bless the little homie, this cringe bag is going to turn him into a steve erkel that raps from his nice neighborhood about being gangster "no cap". lol
Then some bum ass niggas jealous of his good life and seeing he's not happy with it trying to act like a poor nigger in the hood, is going to catch him in the hood where he don't belong and take his ass out.
But what do I know, that never happened before, I'm not as "hip" as mr cool guy, maybe I should get some cool lessons too lol

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