Gaia - Ecological Liberation Theology

2 years ago

Gaia theory (doctrine of the pharisees and scribes - Jesuits) is particularly insidious.

The Hegelian dialectic is at work by kingdom builders (Vatican) to bring together a synthesis, or "omega point", which in reality is for the son of perdition, the man of sin, the Antichrist.

Strange gods and environmental liberation (Ecological liberation theology)

Leonardo Boff became one of the best-known supporters (along with Gustavo Gutiérrez, Juan Luis Segundo (S.J.) and Jon Sobrino (S.J.) of the early liberation theologians.

Of the liberation theologians who transitioned to what’s called “liberation ecology,” Leonardo Boff (Jesuit, University of Munich) has gone the furthest in trying to immerse Catholicism in environmentalist concerns and ideology. In Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor (1997), Boff stated that the Church “cannot enclose religious persons in dogmas and cultural representations. It must serve as an organized place where people may be initiated, accompanied, and aided [in expressing] the spirit of the age.”

That the “spirit of the age” doesn’t always accord with the truth about God isn’t a question addressed by Boff. In any case, the “spirit of the age,” at least for Boff, was environmentalism of the deep Green variety. Boff’s 1997 book, for instance, argued that “the Earth is not a planet on which life exists . . . the Earth does not contain life. It is life, a living superorganism: Gaia.”

Gaia: Satan's paganism (religion) masquerading as science.

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