THE BIG RESET MOVIE - [MUST SEE: Save Yours & Your Loved Ones Lives]

2 years ago

The Big Reset, a documentary that has been trending online for months, argues that the pandemic is a “media campaign of terror” planned by by the globalists and elites in an effort to abolish fundamental rights and freedom.

Many on the right were mocked for saying the “Great Reset” was a part of a larger conspiracy to impose worldwide tyranny.

The globalists are openly admitting they are using Covid-19 as a vehicle to usher in a Marxist takeover of the world yet conservatives who sound the alarm are mocked as “conspiracy theorists.”

The globalists are using Covid-19 as a pretext for a worldwide takeover.

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“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that no institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of our complex, interdependent world. The pandemic itself will not transform the world, but it has accelerated systemic changes that were apparent before its inception. The fault lines that emerged in 2020 now appear as critical crossroads in 2021. The time to rebuild trust and to make crucial choices is fast approaching as the need to reset priorities and the urgency to reform systems grow stronger around the world,” said Word Economic Forum in 2021.

“The Davos Agenda will also mark the launch of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative and begin the preparation of the Special Annual Meeting in the spring,” it added.

From the Big Reset Movie:

“After the declaration of a global pandemic of COVID-19, the society in which we live has undergone great changes. Through fear, policies have been carried out that under normal conditions would seem unthinkable. Meanwhile, concepts such as The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution or transhumanism remain alien to the knowledge of public opinion in general.”

With the COVID-19 crisis, policies have been carried out that would seem unthinkable under normal conditions. And all this has been achieved through an instrument as effective as it is ancient, fear.

There are two laboratories in this story: one, the one in Wuhan, the other the great sociological laboratory where the social engineering of the pandemic would have been designed and programmed.

However, COVID-19 contains the virus of awakening. That is why we want to give a voice to those people who are being systematically silenced for having a different point of view than the “official truths” that they are trying to impose on us.

We will have the testimonies of geneticists, molecular biologists, epidemiologists, biochemists, lawyers, prestigious journalists and Nobel Prize winners, who are providing very different versions of the pandemic than those we are used to in the media.


Following the declaration of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the society in which we live has undergone major changes.

Through fear, policies have been carried out that under normal conditions would seem unthinkable. Meanwhile, concepts such as The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution or transhumanism, remain unknown to the general public.

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