People ARE Strange

2 years ago

Hey Weirdo!

Yeah, you. Are you weird? Well, you probably are; after all, we're all weird to some extent.

Lots of people get stressed over whether or not they’re “normal”. They conclude that if they’re not normal, they must be weird.

But the truth of the matter is…

None of us are 100% normal. What is “normal” anyway?

A lot of our definition of “normal” comes from childhood. People (parents and teachers in particular) are keen to compare us to other kids. It happens all the time and to just about everybody. If you’re the kid that struggles with math and needs extra help, your teacher will think you’re weird. Actually, what your teacher really thinks is you’re PITA for taking up so much time, but she isn’t going to tell you that. Instead, she’ll likely imply that you’re not normal because you don’t “get it” when all the other kids do. Likewise, if you’re a nerdy, bookish kid in a family of sporty types, they’re going to think you’re weird if you want to stay home and read instead of going to play softball or tennis. After all, sporty is their definition of “normal” and you just don’t fit it.

All this rubs off on other kids and they start to give you a hard time and say you’re weird.

You then start to compare yourself to other people. As you get older, this causes you to think you must be weird because you’re not a straight A student and/or don’t have a drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend or hunky boyfriend. The converse is also true. You think other people are weird because they don’t fit into the same category as you. This causes you to be prejudiced and intolerant.

It just gets worse as time goes by.

I go into more detail in my guide to embracing your weirdness. Grab your copy from here:

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