Revealing THE KNOWN GOD in the midst of an UNKNOWN GOD! - Sunday, Oct. 9 @ 9AM ET

2 years ago

Christ's Ekklesia has the high call of Carrying THE KNOWN GOD to a generation worshiping an UNKNOWN GOD!

Act 17:22 So Paul stood in the middle of the leadership council and said, “Respected leaders of Athens, it is clear to me how extravagant you are in your worship of idols.
Act 17:23 For as I walked through your city, I was captivated by the many shrines and objects of your worship. I even found an inscription on one altar that read, ‘To the Unknown God.’ I have come to introduce to you this God whom you worship without even knowing anything about him.
Act 17:24 “The true God is the Creator of all things. He is the owner and Lord of the heavenly realm and the earthly realm, and he doesn’t live in man-made temples.

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