One World in a New World with Laura Staley, Ph.D. - Author, Founder - Cherish Your World

1 year ago

One World in a New World with Laura Staley, Ph.D. - Author, Founder - Cherish Your World

Zen Benefiel, Author and Transformational Life Coach ( takes us on another apocalyptic (uncovering knowledge) journey in making sense common. Zen is a polymath, deep thinker and researcher and it comes out in his comfortable and open yet focused style.

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Closed Captions (CC) in multiple languages, though Google Translate may not be the best.

Each episode we take deep dives into personal awareness, inner connections and realizations that transform into practical applications in the outer world. It's our way of sharing learning, understanding and wisdom for the times - offering considerations for the great 'weset' and 'upwising' that starts with people just like you that are seeking confidence in their own path or a new living awareness altogether.

After an initial misstep and correction, much like life, we delve into the early connection Laura found in the midst of an emotionally traumatic childhood. Her story is not uncommon, though many go through traumatic childhoods and repeat them as adults. She speaks of recognizing the early connection with her soul as a place of solace, though she didn't realize it until later in life.

Did you spend time in nature as a youth? What was that like? How did it feel? Can you remember?

Laura shares her experiences in nature as a child that's a very interesting perspective. We also have an interlude on the notion of choosing our childhood experiences in order to grow and evolve our understanding of our greater self.

We often think life is a series of coincidences that 'happen' to us. Is it possible there is a preliminary conversation between self and Self before entry?

What becomes obvious is the life path Laura chose combined inner and outer sciences, like Feng Shui and political science, that gave her the foundation for building not only an understanding, an experience of the connection with everything through a sense of love.

For those that haven't experienced it the reference to Tom Campbell attempting to explain a right-brained world to a left-brained thinking being nearly impossible because it is experiential rather than intellectual.

Further on Laura explores looking back and identifying the manner in which she was able to move out of the constraints of early childhood trauma and find triumph through her personal discoveries.

First, she notes an inner voice that spoke in comfort and surety of her eventual safety. But first, she had to experience some devastating events that she reveals through her 'healed' reflection.

Zen asks, "Why are we so biased and prejudiced that we cannot see ourselves in another?" After a short struggle, Laura answers, "Fear." Considering how interconnected the electromagnetic spectrum is, could it be that the chime from her computer is a perfect synchronicity in edifying her answer.

She goes on to say that if she feels disconnected [fearful] then everything is a threat. Zen reflects on the notion as evidence of a kind of quantum entanglement with the unified field regarding synchronicities and need for further attention.

Much more happens that writing about it doesn't do it justice, you just have to listen and/or watch. Our discussion deepens into ways in which we both have found to further the connection with others, be better in resolving perceived conflict and engaging the inner-knowing and understanding of our processes that can be repeated with others effectively.

Laura shares several events that example the practical and pragmatic use of emotional maturity or being able to be the anchor in the center of the storm.

Thanks in advance for watching. Please do like, share and subscribe if you find value.

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