2 years ago

You can control the type of data to be entered into your worksheet with the use of Data Validation in Excel. This video will show you how to set validation rules.

Excel Data Validation allows you to limit data entries to the dropdown list and restricts data outside of the range. There are eight options available to validate the input:
1. Any Value – this is the default if no validation rule is set.
2. Whole Number – if data entry is limited to whole numbers or only whole numbers are allowed. If this validation rule is selected, other validation options have to be defined to further limit the input, such as between, not between, equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to and less than or equal to.
3. Decimal – is similar to Whole Number option but allows decimal values within the range given.
4. List – allows only values from a predefined list and presented to the user as a dropdown menu control.
5. Date – only dates are allowed.
6. Time – data entry is limited to times only.
7. Text Length – validates entry based on the number of characters or digits.
8. Custom – validates input using a custom formula.

This function can be found under the Data tab and the keyboard shortcut for this Excel function is also introduced in this video.

Title: How to Set Data Validation Rules

#datavalidation #howtosetdatavalidationrules

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