One World in a New World with Lisa Ma - Chief Growth Officer, Stronger Together X

2 years ago

One World in a New World with Lisa Ma - Chief Growth Officer, Stronger Together X

Zen Benefiel, Author and Transformational Life Coach ( takes us on another apocalyptic (uncovering knowledge) journey in making sense common. Zen is a polymath, deep thinker and researcher and it comes out in his comfortable and open yet focused style.

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Closed Captions (CC) in multiple languages, though Google Translate may not be the best.
Lisa Ma converted a highly-developed skill set to fulfill a passion for helping humanity. She believes we're stronger together and can co-create a strategic path that unites superpowers toward a greater vision for humanity's future. Her superpower is connecting people, for instance. Others have gifts and skills that are complementary to a shift toward a healthy transformation.

We jump right in to the challenge many folks have today of enjoying being able to perform at peak in virtually any company position, yet feel a bit empty in relation to being able to do good things in the world. Lisa shares a bit of her travels and engagements around the world, yet that even with those events she still felt there was something missing. She was still seeking something more and sought out ways to be involved in philanthropy and volunteer work as a way to fill the gap.

Do you feel that there is something missing in your life in regard to engaging your passion for service? Many are discovering their passion for helping others now, especially with the challenges we're all facing on multiple fronts. Lisa found that her passion for service blossomed in 2020, starting with a great deal of introspection. She began to notice how synchronicities led her to discovering people, places and things in new ways.

Lisa goes on to reveal that she initially found the process intriguing from how she was experiencing a new living awareness, yet she was still analyzing the process through her old corporate-trained analytical thinking. She notes the difference between being in her head and thinking things through to find answers and being in her heart where she 'just knew' the answers to her queries.

We discuss the notions of spiritual awakenings and the process of taking skill sets to the next level. For Lisa, it was using technology to begin bringing people together to figure out how to help each other in the new virtual environment made possible by the sequestration conditions.

We weave a sharing of the process from multiple perspectives you will find inspiring and inviting. Lisa's way of bridging the very practical and pragmatic business-minded activity with the activities that explore more of the 'being' first and connecting and sensing each other, then learning how to serve humanity by working together better. She notes the co-creative process flows into many dynamics of paradigm shifting.

There's a lot of tasty tidbits and nuggets of nourishment for encouraging connecting, unleashing your own superpowers and connecting with others through the virtual opportunities at present.

You'll enjoy the conversation and please do subscribe and share. The ability, desire and sharing of conversations that matter is a superpower you hold, too.

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Stubbing My T.O.E. on Purpose:

Life's Puzzle Pieces - The Art and Science of Assembly::

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