The Orchestrated War...

2 years ago

Remember how all the governments in the world worked in lockstep during the `covid` crisis and if any government leader resisted they got `removed`, remember the President of Tanzania and the leader of Haiti. Even the the Russian government mandated the `injection` called V, researchers have shown that even this so called `vaccine` also contains graphene oxide. They are all in it together. The next plan was to destroy all economies, in order to destroy the money system and bring in the new digital system. So the `war` with Russia was concocted, the same way the media was used during covid, the media is bombarding the masses now with anti-russian propaganda, so they can blame Russia as they destroy both the economies and currencies of each country. The `war` is being dragged out because it takes time to destroy each country`s economy, and being played out on the media so the masses will go along with the narrative. If it was a real war, Zelensky would have been taken out a long time ago, but he`s a vital tool in the propaganda machine, afterall he`s a trained actor. Why is Russia dragging the war out? Because Putin`s role is to the take the blame for the sanctions which are destroying western economies. The powers that be, are allowing alt media to report on the `war`as long as they feed the narrative that the `nuclear war` is around the corner, and that Russia is going to destroy anyone who attacks it! But they aren`t, Russia will fight in a piecemeal fashion, reporting how they will use every weapon at hand, but in reality they`re just dragging it out, along with Nato, until our economies have been destroyed. Don`t expect this to end soon. The same people who controlled the world during the Covid lockdowns, are controlling this so called `war`, until they have their digital society and then we are totally enslaved.

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