$4B HyperCommunity Scam Busted! VIPs Named and Shamed: HyperVerse & HyperNation Live Streaming

2 years ago

Help me name and shame these people recognise people in this compilation see this video https://youtu.be/CXqahyRKLSY

You can anonymously share the time stamp and the name via my website https://www.dehek.com/contact or simply post name and time stamp (ie. 00:43:11) in the comments and I will update the list.


If you can give me any leads, images or videos, helping me track down any information about these people please submit it via DANNY : DE HEK website’s Contact https://www.dehek.com/contact/ page (anonymously) Join Telegram PONZI SCHEME BUSTER https://t.me/ponzischemebuster Like/Follow the DANNY : DE HEK Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/dehekdanny


Below is a list of people that have been actively promoting Ponzi schemes. Help me name and shame these people.

If you can give me any leads, images or videos, helping me track down any information about these people please submit it via DANNY : DE HEK website’s Contact https://www.dehek.com/contact/ page (anonymously)

Join Telegram PONZI SCHEME BUSTER https://t.me/ponzischemebuster

Alfreda Strong
Alice Ger
Amanda Lee
Andre Jackson
Andrew Boyden
Andrew Martin
Andy Cummings
Annie Johnson
Anthony Ford
Apeh Joseph
Arlene Dieran
Arlene Russel
Ben Maseko
Bertie Mckie
Bettie Arbaiza
Beverley Spencer
Bishop Ernest
Bobbie Gilmore
Bobby Gilmore
Bohat Gurung
Brenda Chunga
Brent Harding
Carmelle Neal
Caroline Chenier
Carrie Williams
Cecelia Aiken
Cheryce Bennett
Clayton Ford
Clevie Stewart
Cynthia Henderson
David Bailey
David Hurst
Dean Coke
Deb Williams
Dee Mitchell
Del Casarez
Derek Wilson
Des Amey
Desiree Parker
Dizzy Tailor
Donna Stein
Dorrell Stone
Edith King
Elizabeth Lawrence
Elridge le Roux
Emma Ewuzie
Errol Hall
Eslyn Samuel
Fay Jarrett
Ferda Solak
Filomena Day
Flora Watty
Frederick White
Goran Hemstrom
Graham Laurie
Harpreet Singh Channa
Harry Patterson
Hazel Harry
Heather Mitchell
Helen Gorgels
Henry Bell
Henry Prosper
Henson Williams
Iain Rush
Isabel Dayawon Binumnga
Iwona Kaczmar
James Price
James Shaw
Jean Nord
Jerome Sylvan
Jerry Sumral
Jessika Jones
Joan Hastings
Joanna Puddle
Joanna Terra
Joe Sanders
Johan Eksmyr
John Bunn
Johnson Harris
Joshua Simwawa
Jude Davis
Julia Thornbrough
Juliet Adiele
Julius Thomas
Kalpesh Patel
Keion Woodley
Keith Williams
Keith Walden
Kel Authony
Ken Hodges
Kevin Felix
Kim Parson
Komal Malhotra
Kristen Reupke
Kristina Blanc
L’Tanya Wilkers
Lain Rush
Landus Burroughs
Lauren Chase
Leah Rosie
Limpho Maile
Linda Randall
Linder Bolton
Lisa Kottoncandy
Lisani Motsu
Lofa Kaitamaki
Lorraine Bruce
Lyle Fleming
Maggie Jean
Maggie Yang
Marcia Renne
Margena Phillip
Marie Washington
Mario Halkyer
Mark Hughes
Mark Kirkwood
Mary Lindsay
Mary Zak
Michael Faust
Michael Willius
Mick Mulcahy
Nicole Mohan
Noma Mupfeka
Obdulia Ortiz
Olivia Pope
Ollie Trew
Pandu Dillard
Paul Hken
Pauline Coma
Phil Smith
Philo Brown
Pinakee Naik
Priya Channa
Rene Solem
Renee Bowers
Robbie Mac
Robert Mabrey
Robin Kasten
Ron Thomas
Ronald Basile
Ros Djoukang
Roxy Zubrycki
Sandra Moore
Sandra Williams
Sharon Floyd
Sharon Givens
Sharon James
Sheila Morris
Sheila Vic
Sis Velma
Suresh Patel
Susan Goldsmith
Susan Lawrence
Tami Jackson
Tammy Lee
Tasauwar Alit
Thabo Maredi
Thomas Jester
Tracy Cassivi
Tyrone Ellison
Uriah Laguins
Val Waever
Valerie A Campbell
Vernon Joseph
Veta James
Vivian Lott
Vivian O'Callaghan
Wayne Willson
William Tregell
Zenobia Lewis

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