The Future of Spirituality 1(Spiritual Science New Age & The Evolution of Consciousness)| Gigi Young

2 years ago

In this video Gigi explores where spirituality (and consciousness) is going in the coming years. We begin by observing that we are always evolving and that each distinct phase of evolution creates a new era of consciousness. Our era is defined by the spiritual individual, or the sovereign individual. And, with the coming rise of the spiritual individual, we see the rise of something called 'Spiritual Science', and with that, the traditional Spiritual Guru culture of the last era fades away.

What does this mean? It means we no longer need a Guru to translate the spiritual planes for us, each human being has the ability to objectively learn and access spiritual truth and healing from within their own being. This has not been possible until our present epoch and is an incredible accomplishment.

Spiritual Science is the spiritual evolution that allows society to mature into a sovereign, yet compassionate, whole. It is the freedom to know God within ourselves and uniquely create our lives around our relationship with Spirit. In this paradigm we are all equals with no human greater, or more holy, than another. This is the foundation of every higher civilization.

With this change we will observe growing pains in the spiritual community where portions of it are beginning to move towards spiritual sovereignty and development, while others stay more interested in the patterns of the past era. It will become clear in the coming years that certain movements will reject this refining and individuating impulse and move even more towards personal fantasy, escapism and Lucifernianism. This fantastical phase will reach a peak and then fall as it will be unable to truly work its way into the mainstream. Lastly, certain people will feel attached to the idea of the Spiritual Guru and will be unwilling to go inward, they will remain stuck in the past, even if well meaning. The dynamics of this transition will be fully explored in this discussion.

We will also see a marked difference between those that approach spirituality to comfort themselves, or escape, to those that see spiritual development as a science, or a more serious personal endeavor. Overall the community will begin splitting, including many people who have participated in New Age over the years abandoning it and becoming critics of it. With the increasing pressures in society, and our eyes turning towards corruption in society, the New Age will be scrutinized, and many facets of it rejected and seen as dangerous. This polarization will lead to the rise of spiritual conversations from an objective, rational and truly scientific perspective.

* This is part one of two part discussion that will continue next week.

Suggested Lecture:
Human and Cosmic Evolution

Time Codes
0:00 Intro
0:10 The Evolution of Humanity
6:05 Spiritual Science
14:51 What Does Spiritual Science Look Like?
27:02 The Elevation of Society Through Spiritual Science
34:10 Challenges in the Spiritual Community
36:34 Genuine Spiritual Development Vs. Escapism
42:16 The Luciferian Impulse
50:05 The Rejection of The New Age

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