Named The Man Who Blew Up The Crimean Bridge! Стало известно кто взорвал Крымский мост!

2 years ago

Russia's Investigative Committee, a top law enforcement body, said a truck explosion had ignited fuel tankers as a freight train crossed the bridge. After the explosion, thick plumes of smoke and flames could be seen from a distance.

Следственный комитет России, высший правоохранительный орган, заявил, что взрыв грузовика привел к возгоранию цистерн с топливом, когда товарный поезд пересекал мост. После взрыва издалека были видны густые клубы дыма и пламени.
In God We Trust.
The United States of America is an exceptional country founded on Judea-Christian values and traditions and that has become the home of millions of people from all over the world and let them be free - politically, economically, socially.
The United States has a capitalistic system that proved to be the best ever known economic and political system. Theocracy, Socialism, Communism - all these systems failed to provide freedoms and the right to pursue happiness and many of them caused millions of innocent deaths and destruction to their and other countries.
Because of its exceptional political and economic system the United States is the unquestionable world leader both in economics and politics supporting peace and democracy worldwide.
Let's make and keep America great!

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